Can Cats Eat Rotisserie Chicken?

Can cats eat Rotisserie Chicken? No, cats should not eat Rotisserie Chicken because it is seasoned with salt and spices which are dangerous to cats. Rotisserie Chicken is usually served with skin and bones intact. The skin can be hard for cats to chew and can be a choking hazard, while the bones can splinter. Regularly eating this can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

If you are a cat owner who enjoys Rotisserie Chicken, you might wonder, “Can I feed my cat Rotisserie Chicken?” After all, it is chicken, a cat’s favorite food. What harm can it do? While it is meat, is it really safe for feline consumption? 

The best course of action would be to avoid giving your cat Rotisserie Chicken and feed them boiled chicken instead. In this article, we will go over why our fuzzy friends should avoid Rotisserie Chicken. We’ll also take a look at the ingredients and see how they can affect your feline’s health. If you’re also looking for non-toxic feline-friendly Rotisserie Chicken alternatives, keep reading to find out.

Can Cats have Rotisserie Chicken?

Can you feed cat Rotisserie Chicken
Can my cat Eat Rotisserie Chicken?

No, cats should not have Rotisserie Chicken because it is often very high in fat, leading to many health issues in felines. Fatty foods can cause pancreatitis in cats, which can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.

In addition, Rotisserie Chicken often contains bones, which can be a choking hazard or cause internal injuries if swallowed. 

If you want to give your feline family member some chicken, it is best to cook it yourself. This way you know what ingredients were used and will have properly prepared it before feeding the chicken to your fuzzy friends.

Otherwise, if you’re busy and do not have time to cook for your cat (happens to all of us!), you’ll want to get the Wellness Complete Health Grain Free Cat Food which is specially made for feline consumption. It is one of the best wet cat food for indoor cats.

As we’ll discuss later in this article, you’ll want to properly prepare the chicken by removing the skin and bones and avoid adding any ingredient to it. You can also look for commercially-prepared cat food that contains chicken as an ingredient.

To fully understand the potential health risks of Rotisserie Chicken, let’s look at its ingredients first.

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What is Rotisserie Chicken?

Cat Rotisserie Chicken
Is it ok to feed Cats Rotisserie Chicken?

Rotisserie Chicken is a type of roasted chicken that you cook on a spit (a long solid rod that is used to hold the chicken while it is being cooked over the fire). Also known as spit-roasting, the chicken meat is skewered on a spit and placed above an open flame.

It slowly rotates, allowing the heat and fire to cook the meat evenly. The result is a moist, juicy, and flavorful chicken that you can enjoy.

We do want to note that you can also cook Rotisserie Chicken in your oven.

Ingredients in Rotisserie Chicken

  • Whole Chicken.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.
  • Paprika.
  • Pepper.
  • Onion powder.
  • Garlic powder.
  • Thyme.

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Is Rotisserie Chicken bad for Cats?

hairless Cat Rotisserie Chicken
Rotisserie Chicken: Cats-friendly food?

Yes, store-bought Rotisserie Chicken is generally bad for cats because it is high in fat, salt, and contains spices and other seasonings or preservatives that can harm your fuzzy friend’s digestive system and overall health.

If you’re wondering, “Can I give my cat Rotisserie Chicken?” the answer is no. Both the chicken skin and the bones are a choking hazard. Furthermore, as discussed below, several other ingredients in Rotisserie Chicken are harmful, if not toxic, to your kitty cats.

Let’s find out what they are next.

Butter contains saturated fat which is unhealthy for cats

Butter is the end product of churned cow’s milk. It contains 80% fat. More than 65% of that fat is saturated fat, and 20% water, salt, and milk solids. Our furry friends do not need this much saturated fat in their diet. In fact, they require healthy unsaturated fat for proper growth and health.  

Although butter does contain some essential nutrients and vitamins like calcium, protein, and vitamins A, D, and B12, they aren’t enough to significantly benefit your feline family members’ health.

Instead, the butter can cause the following health issues:

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Inflammation of the cat’s intestinal lining. 

High salt consumption can lead to sodium poisoning in cats

Sodium is toxic to your kitties if they consume more than 40 milligrams of salt daily. Thus, your four-legged friends can’t have more than that in a day.

This is because salt creates an electrolyte imbalance in your feline friend’s body and this can cause sodium poisoning. Signs and symptoms of sodium poisoning include the following:

  • Dehydration.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lethargy.
  • Seizures.
  • Incoordination.
  • Tremors.
  • Coma.
  • Obesity. 

If you notice the above symptoms in your feline friends, we highly recommend that you bring them to the vet as soon as possible as this requires immediate medical attention. The vet or one of their professional staff there will keep your furry friends under close supervision.

They will monitor your little fur babies closely to keep track of their electrolyte levels. The vet may also induce vomiting in your fuzzy companions to get rid of the excess salt in their system and give them IV fluids to prevent dehydration and maintain hydration.

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Paprika in Rotisserie Chicken is not safe for cats

Paprika is a reddish-orange spice made from ground dried peppers of the Capsicum annuum family. It is available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and granules.

Sometimes paprika is referred to as Hungarian paprika or sweet Hungarian paprika. It’s used in several different cuisines and has a sweet, earthy flavor. Many use paprika to add color and depth of flavor to their dishes.  

On one hand, it won’t be an issue if you want to feed your feline family member paprika derived from sweet peppers.

On the other hand, paprika made from hot peppers contains capsaicin which can cause oral and gastric issues in cats, such as the following:

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Runny nose.

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Pepper can irritate your cat’s mouth

Black pepper can be unpleasant for cats to smell, and although it is less spicy than chilies, it still can be a major discomfort for your kitty cats if consumed in large quantities. In fact, pepper can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and a burning sensation in your kitties’ mouth.

Onion powder can cause onion toxicity in cats

Onion in any form is toxic to your feline friends. This is because it contains thiosulphate, a compound that breaks down your cat’s red blood cells to such a degree that your fuzzy companion can become anemic (he doesn’t have enough red blood cells).

A cat suffering from anemia means that there aren’t enough red blood cells in his body to carry the necessary oxygen to different organs of the body. The shortage of oxygen can lead to a severely sick cat and can even cause a cat to pass away.

Signs and symptoms that your feline companion may be suffering from onion poisoning include the following:

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Lethargy.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Pale gums.
  • Kidney damage.

If you notice these symptoms in your feline friend, it’s best to rush him to a vet immediately. They will induce vomiting to remove any remaining onion powder from your cat’s gastrointestinal tract. The vet may also use activated charcoal to get rid of the onion in their body.

Additionally, the veterinary professional can also prescribe medication or administer IV fluids. In serious cases, the vet might opt for a blood transfusion or oxygen therapy when your fuzzy friend isn’t getting enough oxygen.

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Garlic powder can lead to garlic poisoning in cats

While onion powder is toxic to your kitties, it’s important to note that garlic powder is five times more toxic for them. That’s because onion powder contains thiosulphate in a very high concentration. When consumed, this can cause gastrointestinal upsets in cats and lead to a severe breakdown of red blood cells.

This means your furry friends will suffer from anemia and digestive issues, including upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. Garlic powder can also damage your cat’s kidneys in the process. 

Garlic, no matter what form, whether fresh, cooked, minced, or powder can be extremely harmful to cats. Some major signs and symptoms to watch out for if your fuzzy companion has consumed garlic powder poisoning include the following:

  • Nausea.
  • Drooling.
  • Vomiting.
  • Oral irritation.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Lethargy.
  • Pale gums.
  • Elevated heart rate.

If you suspect your feline companion has consumed some garlic powder and is experiencing any of the signs and symptoms of garlic poisoning, we highly recommend that you contact your vet and rush him to a vet immediately.

The vet may administer IV fluid therapy to remove the garlic toxins from his body and give him appropriate medication for his gastrointestinal tract. The vet may also induce vomiting to get rid of the undigested garlic powder.

Thyme is safe for cats but moderation is key

Thyme is a popular ingredient used in Rotisserie Chicken. It is a Mediterranean herb used in medicine and cooking because it has a lot of health benefits. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), thyme is non-toxic to cats because it doesn’t contain any toxic composition.

Instead, thyme contains antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, and riboflavin.

Together, all of these vitamins and essential minerals help to strengthen your feline companion’s immune system, promote digestive health, prevent fungal and bacterial growth, and allow your feline friends to cough up hairballs from their digestive tract.

However, as with any healthy food, moderation is key. Feeding your fuzzy companions a lot of thyme can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. 

As we can see, there are too many risks you’ll be taking when you feed your kitten or cat Rotisserie Chicken. Instead, you’ll want to opt for feline friendly cat food like the Wellness Complete Health Grain Free Cat Food.

It is nutritious and well-balanced cat food your feline friends will love!

Is Rotisserie Chicken healthy for Cats?

Rotisserie Chicken can be healthy for cats if they are plain and fully cooked. This means that during the roasting or cooking process, there were no added seasoning, salt, or oil and the meat was cooked well for feline consumption.

On the basis of these two conditions, Rotisserie Chicken can be healthy for our feline friends and here are some of the reasons why:

Whole Chicken in Rotisserie Chicken is a great source of protein for cats

Chicken is a popular form of meat consumed worldwide, and it is a common ingredient in tacos, nuggets, burgers, sandwiches, and more. Fitness enthusiasts eat chicken regularly to build muscle mass, stay fit, and maintain lean protein intake. 

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Chicken is also an excellent source of lean protein for cats as well. Consuming chicken can help repair and build your feline companions’ tissue while building and sustaining their muscles.

The best thing about consuming chicken is that it helps our little furballs promote maintain a healthy weight since the chicken (specifically the chicken breasts and chicken thighs) is a source of lean protein.

The protein from chicken also helps metabolize calcium and keep their bones and teeth healthy. This lean protein meat contains niacin and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which provides good brain health in felines and give them a good daily dose of energy. 

However, it’s important that you properly prepare and cook the chicken well before feeding it to your feline companions.

Chicken contains selenium which supports healthy thyroid function in cats

Additionally, chicken contains selenium, an essential mineral that supports strong immune system and healthy thyroid function in cats.

Chicken is packed full of phosphorus which promotes healthy kidney and liver in cats

Just one cup or 140 grams of roasted chicken contains about 300 mg of phosphorus (another essential mineral). Phosphorous is crucial because it helps keep the central nervous system, kidneys, and liver working properly in cats.

With that said and aside from the plain cooked chicken itself, Rotisserie Chicken can be unhealthy and unsafe for feline consumption. Although cats love chicken and the abundance of flavor in Rotisserie Chicken may be appealing, it doesn’t make this dish a suitable meal for your four-legged friends.

In fact, there are several reasons why you should avoid feeding your feline friends Rotisserie Chicken. 

Rotisserie Chicken contains a lot of fat

Rotisserie Chickens contain a lot of butter or margarine-based sauce loaded with saturated fats. Cats only need a miniscule amount of fat and they need more protein and carbs.

A Rotisserie Chicken can have up to 21 grams of fat, which is way more than a cat needs. Regularly consuming Rotisserie Chicken can leads to feline obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues.  

Store-brought Rotisserie Chicken is highly processed

Rotisserie Chickens are usually baked in large quantities at high temperatures. When they’re fully cooked, the shopkeeper then places them in a heated display case, where they sit until purchased.

All of this can alter the texture and flavor of the meat. It can also be difficult to find out how this chicken was raised and fed, or if it was ever injected with antibiotics or hormones.

Rotisserie Chicken may contain preservatives that are harmful to cats

Chicken that has been rotisserie-cooked contains a ridiculous amount of preservatives to extend its shelf life. Store-bought Rotisserie Chickens often contain sodium benzoate, sodium tripolyphosphate, or nitrates.

Our fuzzy friends are actually highly sensitive to these preservatives or ingredients, and consuming Rotisserie Chicken that contains preservatives may cause health issues like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizure.  

Rotisserie Chicken has high sodium content that can lead to salt poisoning in cats

Rotisserie Chickens are packed full of sodium. In fact, just one chicken leg can contain up to 170 mg of sodium. Too much sodium intake can lead to sodium poisoning in cats, which can cause the following signs and symptoms of salt toxicity:

  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Dehydration.
  • Lethargy.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Cardiovascular disease.

Rotisserie Chicken is full of carbohydrates

Cats are obligate carnivores, so they should have a high-protein and low-carb diet. Unfortunately, most commercial feline foods are high in carbohydrates.

When our fuzzy friends consume a high-carb diet, they are more likely to become overweight, develop diabetes, and suffer from other gut-related issues like vomiting and diarrhea. 

As we can see, Rotisserie Chicken is not very healthy for our fluffy companions. Instead of giving your cat Rotisserie Chicken, offer them the Wellness Complete Health Grain Free Cat Food instead.

But is Rotisserie Chicken safe for feline consumption? Let’s find out next.

Is Rotisserie Chicken safe for Cats?

No, Rotisserie Chicken is not safe for cats because it contains skin and bones that can be a potential health hazard for your feline companion. The skin can be a choking hazard and it may also contain spices that are harmful to our furry friends.

Additionally, chicken bones becomes very brittle when they’re cooked and can splinter easily when your fur baby tries to chew on them. This can lead to internal bleeding of the mouth, tongue, and gums, as well as internal tearing of the stomach lining. Some bones may still be hard for cats to chew and this can cause broken teeth.

Here are several other reasons why cooked chicken bones are harmful to cats:

  • Cooked chicken bones can break easily and splinter into small pieces that are sharp. These sharp pieces can cause gum, mouth, and tongue injuries. The splinter from the brittle chicken bones can tear your cat’s tongue as he’s trying to chew it and this can lead to internal bleeding.
  • Similarly, the chicken bones can puncture your cat’s throat or esophagus and lead to internal bleeding.
  • If your kittens are not careful, the chicken bones may cause broken teeth.
  • The shards of bones can be a choking hazard.
  • If your feline friends do manage to swallow the bones, the shards of bones can also puncture their digestive organs such as the stomach lining and intestines and lead to internal bleeding.
  • Ingesting cooked bones can lead to constipation and rectal bleeding.

In addition to cooked chicken bones, the seasonings and spices like salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder in Rotisserie Chicken can also harm your furry companions when ingested. After ingesting these seasoning, your feline friends may start to experience the following:

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Lethargy.
  • Anemia.
  • Kidney damage.

If you would like to give your little fur babies a little bit of Rotisserie Chicken, make sure that it is plain and cooked properly. This mean that the chicken meat should be free from seasonings, oils, and salt.

This is because seasonings like onion and garlic are toxic to cats as we’ve mentioned above. Chicken with extra fat trimmings, skin, or bones is also dangerous to our fuzzy kitties because it can be a choking hazard and lead to internal obstruction. In the worse case scenario, they can even lead to pancreatitis.

When it comes to our fuzzy friend’s health and safety, it’s always best to avoid feeding them raw chicken. That’s because raw chicken may have E. coli and Salmonella. These common bacteria can cause infectious diseases such as toxoplasmosis in cats and make them very sick.

To stay on the safe side, feed your cat cooked chicken without any seasonings. You can diversify your cat’s diet by adding some high-quality cat food with other types of meat such as fish, cooked beef, and turkey.

Furthermore, Rotisserie Chicken contains a lot of butter and fatty sauces that are mainly saturated fats. Cats should have more unsaturated fat in their diet because it is healthier and doesn’t cause diabetes or pancreatitis.

Is Rotisserie Chicken ok for Cats?

No, Rotisserie Chicken is not ok for cats, especially if they are seasoned with oil, spices, and salt. Consuming a small piece of it during the day won’t harm your fur babies or warrant a trip to the vet . However, as we’ve discussed above, regular consumption can lead to an overdose of sodium, causing sodium poisoning, which can seriously affect your cat’s health.

Is Rotisserie Chicken good for Cats?

No, Rotisserie Chicken is not good for cats because it contains high amount of salt and can make your fluffy companions suffer from seizures, tremors, lethargy, vomiting, incoordination, and diarrhea.

Seasonings like onion and garlic powder contain n-propyl disulfide which is toxic ingredient to our feline friends. This oxidant can cause oxidative damage to your cat’s red blood cells and this can result in a severe lack of oxygen in the cat’s body.

Can kittens eat Rotisserie Chicken?

No, kittens should not eat Rotisserie Chicken. Rotisserie Chicken can pose severe health risks for older cats, and it can do worse for kittens.

That’s because kittens are still growing and developing. They are smaller in size and have more sensitive digestive systems.

Additionally, the skin of the Rotisserie Chicken is too tough for your kittens to chew with their small and weak teeth.

Furthermore, the cooked bones of the Rotisserie Chicken can easily splinter and cause tearing in your kitten’s mouth, tongue, and gum. If your kitten do manage to swallow the bones, the shard of bones can puncture his esophagus lining and cause bleeding. When the bones enter the stomach, it can puncture the stomach lining or cause intestinal obstruction.

Lastly, there’s just way too much sodium in Rotisserie Chicken which can lead to salt toxicity in kittens.

For all of these reasons, it is best to keep Rotisserie Chickens away from kittens.

Can Cats eat Costco Rotisserie Chicken?

Rotisserie Chicken Cat
Rotisserie Chicken for Cats?

No, cats should not eat Costco Rotisserie Chicken because, unlike other types of Rotisserie Chicken or the one made at home, Costco Rotisserie Chicken contains extra salt as the company injects a special saline solution into the chicken. Thus, each Rotisserie Chicken has 460 mg of sodium, which can cause sodium poisoning in cats resulting in vomiting, dehydration, lethargy, diarrhea, seizures, tremors, and incoordination.

Ingredients in Costco Rotisserie Chicken

  • Whole chickens.
  • Water.
  • Seasoning:
    • Salt.
    • Sodium phosphate.
    • Modified food starch (potato, tapioca).
    • Potato dextrin.
    • Carrageenan.
    • Sugar.
    • Dextrose.
    • Spice extractives.

Sodium phosphate can lead to kidney damage in cats

Sodium phosphate is a type of salt that, when consumed regularly, can cause severe kidney damage in cats. Cats with high sodium phosphate intake in their diets can suffer from renal damage. 

Modified food starch is safe for feline consumption

The Costco Rotisserie Chicken also contains modified food starch made from potato and tapioca. Food starch is used in some pet foods to act as a binder.

Tapioca is derived from cassava and doesn’t really contain any essential nutrients that are good for cats.

The cassava plant produces cyanogenic glycosides that are bitter to the taste to protect the plant from animals. Although these compounds are non-toxic, once the plant is broken down, mashed, or chewed, the enzymes convert these compounds into hydrogen cyanide.

Hydrogen cyanide is actually poisonous to cats. However, the good news is that there are two types of cassava: bitter and sweet. The bitter plant has ten to fifty times the hydrogen cyanide than in the sweet cassava.

Many food manufacturers will use the sweet cassava plant to make tapioca and further process it to remove any poison that it may contain. During the processing, the toxic skin is also removed and the hydrogen cyanide is washed away with water as it is water-soluble.

This means the cassava or tapioca is safe for feline consumption. However, diabetic and obese cats should stay away from tapioca and other types of modified food starch because it is a carbohydrate.

Potato dextrin can ease constipation in cats

Potato dextrin is a carbohydrate strain produced from the hydrolysis of potato starch. It is free from gluten, so your cat won’t react to it if he has a gluten intolerance. Potato dextrin also has a lot of fiber, which is a good way to ease constipation in cats. 


Carrageenan is a food additive used as a thickener to enhance the texture of some processed foods. When the carrageenan is in its un-degraded form, it is harmless to cats.

However, we know that cats have acid in their stomach which allows them to digest raw food easily.

The acid in their stomach will then try to break down the un-degraded carrageenan and causes the carrageenan to be degraded.

Degraded carrageenan is actually harmful to cats as it can cause inflammation, tumor, ulcers, and even cancer in your fuzzy friends.

Regular high sugar intake can lead to feline obesity

Cats don’t have the taste buds for sugar, which means they never know when to stop eating sugary foods. If your cat has more than 3% sugar in their daily meals, it can become a problem. This is because cats don’t have a crucial enzyme called glucokinase in their bodies to properly digest sugar. 

When our fuzzy friends consume too much sugar, it can lead to the following health issues:


Cats that consume lots of sugar in their diet tend to suffer from diabetes later on as their bodies no longer produce appropriate amounts of insulin to eliminate the excess sugar in their bodies. This means that you would have to provide insulin shots for your feline family members.

Feline obesity

Sugar is nothing but empty calories for your feline friends. When your felines consume sugar, the glucose found in sugar rapidly releases into their bloodstream and causes your cats to have the zoomies and become restless.

Then all of a sudden, the glucose depletes and this leaves your feline friends tired and hungry for more food.

This cycle continues, and your cat gains unnecessary weight in the process. Obesity makes it harder for your kitties to move about or stay agile. Additionally, weight gain can lead to other health issues such as the following:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Type II diabetes.
  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.

Periodontal disease

Sugar can also be harmful to your cat’s oral health. A lot of sugar intake can cause tooth decay, periodontal disease, gingivitis which can be hectic to deal with. It is better to take preventative measures and reduce the amount of sugar in your feline friend’s diet.

Gut Issues

Regular consumption of excess sugar can lead to upset stomach and gut issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort. This is because cats lack the enzyme glucokinase in their livers which is responsible for digesting sugar properly. 

Liver damage

As mentioned above, overconsumption of sugar can lead to diabetes in cats. This, in turn, leads to liver damage in our fuzzy companion as well as other issues such as fatty liver, lymphocytic cholangitis, or cholangiohepatitis, and lymphoma.

When a cat has diabetes mellitus, he may have a high chance of suffering from liver damage.


This type of sugar derived from corn or wheat can cause diabetes, liver damage, and obesity in your cat.

Spice extractives

Some of the spice extractives in Costco Rotisserie Chicken include concentrated spices like onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and pepper. All of these are harmful to your fuzzy friends.

Onion and garlic powder, in particular, destroys red blood cells in your kitty’s body, and other spices lead to health issues like vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, watery eyes, and gut inflammation. 

My cat ate Rotisserie Chicken! What will happen? What should I do?

If your cat just ate a bit of Rotisserie Chicken, don’t fret!

First, make sure he isn’t choking on the spicy tough skin or the brittle bones of the Rotisserie Chicken. If he is, rush him to a nearby vet immediately.

Also, your kitty cats shouldn’t have consumed any bones, as the bone shards can cause internal bleeding in your cat’s mouth and puncture their esophagus, stomach and intestinal lining.

If your feline companion consumed a small piece of chicken meat, he should be fine. However, we recommend that you keep a close eye on him throughout the day to ensure that he isn’t displaying any symptoms of choking or digestive issues.

What are some feline friendly, safe, and non-toxic Rotisserie Chicken alternatives?

Instead of feeding your four-legged friends store-bought Rotisserie Chicken, here are a few Rotisserie Chicken alternatives in the market that you can add to your cat’s diet. This way, he isn’t missing out on this food if he enjoys it.

Meow Mix Bistro Rotisserie Chicken

Meow Mix Bistro Rotisserie Chicken is a dry feline food made with real chicken. Many cat owners have claimed that Meow Mix Rotisserie Chicken cat food was a huge hit with their fuzzy family members as they enjoy it very much.

Many cat owners also stated that the Meow Mix Bistro Rotisserie Chicken is a great cat food because it smells great and doesn’t lead to digestive issues in their furry friends.

Meow Mix Bistro recipes include chicken, tuna, vitamin B12 supplements, whole ground corn, vitamin D3 supplement, and tones of other minerals like calcium iodide, zinc oxide, and taurine.

Therefore, Meow Mix Rotisserie Chicken can be a great addition to your fluffy companion’s diet.

Fancy Feast Duos Natural Rotisserie Chicken flavor cat treats

The other alternative is the Fancy Feast Cat Treats Duos natural Rotisserie Chicken flavor. These are bite-sized treats that are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It is a great treat for kittens and adult cats alike due to the small size of each treat.

Many feline owners have vouched that these treats are famous among their feline family members. 

So, can cats eat Rotisserie Chicken?

Unlike humans who love to feast on some warm Rotisserie Chicken for dinner, it is not a great meal for your feline friends. Thus, cats should not eat Rotisserie Chicken (especially not store-bought ones) because it contains ingredients like salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, pepper, and butter that can be harmful and poisonous to cats.

Also, the cooking process can make the chicken skin and meat tough and difficult for cats to chew. If you want your feline’s diet to include chicken, it’s best to stick to plain, cooked chicken breast to prevent health issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and liver damage.

You can also opt for a non-toxic Rotisserie Chicken alternative, such as the two cat foods or treats we’ve discussed above. They are safer to consume and give your little fur babies a taste of Rotisserie Chicken without the harmful ingredients.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding dietary needs.

KIRKLAND SIGNATURE is a registered trademark of Costco Wholesale Corporation. Vocal Cats does not claim any ownership of the KIRKLAND SIGNATURE name, logo, or any identifying mark in any way. This article is for educational purposes only.
